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Getting started

Setting up

pymdea is available on PyPI and can be installed with:

pip install pymdea

or can be installed from PyPI with uv:

uv add pymdea
Building from source with uv

Install the uv python project manager, following the instructions on uv's official installation guide.

Using a command line terminal, clone the pymdea repository to a location on your file system:

git clone /example/file/path/pymdea.git

Navigate to the cloned repository directory:

cd /example/file/path/pymdea.git

and run the uv command:

uv sync

This will create a python virtual environment in a subdirectory called .../pymdea.git/.venv which contains a python executable and all packages necessary to run pymdea. The command will display text output in the command line, which should look like this:

❯ uv sync
Using Python 3.12.5
Creating virtualenv at: .venv
Resolved 107 packages in 1.01s
Built pymdea @ file:///D:/repos/pymdea.git
Prepared 101 packages in 819ms
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ [0/101] Installing
Installed 101 packages in 5.05s
+ asttokens==2.4.1
+ attrs==24.2.0
+ babel==2.16.0
... (all 101 packages uv installs will be listed out)

Note: the file path, D:/repos/pymdea.git, is the directory on my own file system where my clone of pymdea is located.

To confirm the files work properly, run the uv command:

uv run pytest

This runs the pymdea test suite from and display a summary of the results in the command line output.

Once pymdea is installed, you're ready to import the pymdea.core and pymdea.plot modules and work with them!

Loading pymdea

Import from the pymdea modules as you would any Python package.

from pymdea.core import DeaEngine, DeaLoader
from pymdea.plot import DeaPlotter

Loading data

The pymdea.core module provides a DeaLoader class with helper methods for wrangling data. It also has a make_sample_data method for generating sample data for testing purposes, which is what this notebook will use to illustrate an example workflow.

dea_loader = DeaLoader()

Analyzing data

The DeaEngine class from pymdea.core contains the methods for analyzing data once it's been loaded. Pass DeaLoader to DeaEngine to pass the data from the loader to the engine, then invoke the analyze method to run an analysis.

dea_engine = DeaEngine(dea_loader)
dea_engine.analyze_with_stripes(fit_start=0.1, fit_stop=0.9, n_stripes=60)

  δ         μ (rule 1)   μ (rule 2)
  0.50781   1.50781      2.96924

Viewing results

The DeaPlotter class from pymdea.plot contains methods for viewing the results and producing plots. Pass DeaEngine to DeaPlotter to pass the results from the engine to the plotter, then invoke the plotting methods to view different summaries of the results.

dea_plot = DeaPlotter(dea_engine)

The most illustrative figure is plotting the Shannon entropy against the log of the window lengths, S(L) vs ln(L):


Figure displaying the Shannon entropy S(L) over the window length L.

It's also useful to quickly compare the results of the different rules for computing the mu parameter:


Figure displaying the theoretical relationship between scaling, delta, and inter-event time IPL index mu, according to the supported rules for computing mu